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Protect Your Investment With Title Insurance in Villas

Buying a home is one of the most exciting times in everybody’s lives, and with all the excitement and emotion it can be easy to forget smaller details or important parts or due diligence that can have a serious negative effect on the future...

The Benefits of Title Insurance in ;Cypress Lake

Given the magnitude of investing in a home, taking steps to ensure its ;security is at the forefront of every ;home buyer's mind. From the ;physical structure to the contents, keeping your home protected is a number one ;priority. Aside from these...

How to Make Sure You and Your Agent Are on the Same Page

When utilizing the services of an estate agent, it's not a one-size-fits-all situation. Previously we spoke about ways to choose the best estate agent for you, and in this post, ;Schutt Law has a few tips to share about continuing a ;great...

Finding the Right Price for Your Home

If you have ;found yourself thinking about ;selling your home, but aren't quite sure where to start with the price, you're not alone. To ;help make it easier, ;Schutt Law has put together an easy to follow checklist to help make your first home sale a smooth...

Smooth out Those Moving Bumps

It doesn't matter whether it's one ;mile or fifty, ;moving house can be a dramatic and exhausting process. In ;this post, let ;Schutt Law lean on our experience and share a few tips to smooth out any bumps in your next move. ;

Start With the Undesirable

Moving is the...
Downsizing your home is a savvy move, as it will help you reducing your mortgage payment, spending less time cleaning and maintaining your home and many other benefits. ;If you are currently considering this option, at Schutt Law Firm in Fort Myers we would like to share useful downsizing tips.



Picking a Real State Agent

While many buyers choose to buy a property without an agent, this important transaction involves many steps and it's very easy to make a mistake due to lack of experience. However, having an agent can make things easier and help you fulfill your homeownership dream. ...

Common Home Buying Mistakes to Avoid

We can't overstate the complexity of buying a new property and it's relatively easy to overlook certain key details that can lead to an error. For this reason at Schutt Law Firm in Fort Myers we ;created the following post containing some of the home buying...
While becoming a homeowner is a life achievement, it requires careful planning. One of the things that you should pay extra attention is your budget, as it ;will allow you finding out what kind of property you can afford and avoid debt and other problems. However, there are certain 'extra' costs...

How to Expedite Your Mortgage Application

With so much conflicting information circulating ;about mortgage applications and requirements, ;the thought of applying can be overwhelming. ;In this post, ;Shutt Law Firm in Fort Myers ;will share some tips to put you in a better position when meeting...